More than Just Info Business Opportunity

ADNET Launches First Online Video Advertising Platform for Small Businesses

Small Businesses Boost Online Advertising Industry With Easily Produced Video Advertising; Regional and National Web Sites Can Monetize Their Content

SALT LAKE CITY, UT--(Marketwire - April 9, 2008) - Small businesses looking to promote themselves online and generate more customers both locally and nationally can now leverage the ADNET Technology Platform to create and distribute high quality online video advertising. The ADNET platform enables small businesses that traditionally have been unable to leverage the power of the Internet due to cost and technology hurdles, to leverage appealing and eye-catching online videos to attract new customers. The online advertising market has great potential as more small businesses start to use online to advertise their products and services. Online publishers such as hyper local mass media Web sites and national Web sites can monetize their traffic by joining the ADNET Network to run the ads.

Online advertising has evolved over the past five years with more interactive advertising. It will continue to grow rapidly as small businesses are starting to see the benefits of utilizing the Internet as a way to attract more customers. This is a huge opportunity for the online advertisement industry to grow exponentially in the next few years.

"The days of advertising in the local Yellow Pages are over with. People don't look up a local business like a pizza shop in the 'big yellow book' anymore. They look online for everything -- including all things local," said Alan James Edwards, executive vice president and co-founder of ADNET Technology. "Knowing this, many small businesses with little-to-no marketing budgets are seeing the need to build a strong online advertising presence but don't know where to begin."

Businesses can now maximize their advertising efforts for little cost using an interactive video advertisement produced with ADNET Technology across many different media including the small business's main Web site, or if a small business does not have a Web site it can be used as an advertisement on Web sites displayed to local viewers. Advertisers have the option of choosing either pay-per-view or pay-per-click allowing them to maximize their return on investment. Web site publishers are paid on a cost-per-impression basis, no matter how the advertiser pays.

"As a Bed and Breakfast in the historic area of Pittsburgh, we wanted to increase our presence locally and we wanted to bolster our recognition among tourists and business travelers who are coming to the city," said Dave Eshelman, Innkeeper and co-owner of the Morning Glory Inn. "We knew that in order to do that we would have to promote ourselves online with attention-grabbing advertising. After we worked with ADNET to develop a feature-rich video advertisement, we saw an immediate boost in our business."

The ADNET platform also delivers significant value to e-commerce sites and local/regional Web sites that may be looking to monetize traffic. By placing the ADNET engine on their site for free, these publishers can earn revenue and provide visitors with information about local businesses and services that are relevant to them.

"We're a leading source of news in the Pittsburgh area, so it makes sense for us to also be a leader when it comes to providing dynamic advertising on the Web," said Trish Hooper, chief operating officer of Trib Total Media. "Having ADNET on our sites allows our clients to have high-quality advertising in a way that's cost-effective for them and creates another revenue stream for us."

About ADNET Technology

ADNET is the only video advertising network that lets small businesses take advantage of the power of online advertising. Local businesses can use ADNET to easily create high quality video ads for distribution on the regional Web sites their potential customers visit every day. ADNET Technology displays advertising based on the viewer's location, so advertising gets in front of the potential customers that small businesses want to reach most. Online publishers can use the ADNET ad engine to turn their Web sites into revenue generating machines, populating their sites with localized advertisements that are relevant to their visitors in addition to running their own video promotions and advertisements on their Web site and other Web sites on the ADNET Technology network. For more information, visit

Survey seorang Michael E. Gerber

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Survey Dunia oleh Pakar Bisnis

Survey Dunia membuktikan :

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